Blitz (69/144)

From:David McMinn
Date:17 May 2001 at 19:18:01
Subject:Re: Blitz Crashing Solved!

Hi Jason and James

> > Thanks to everyone who offered me advice about possible reasons as to
> > why Blitz was crashing my system, I have finally, after much testing,
> > found
> the
> > cause of the problem... Picasso96! Since removing it from my system and

There must be some other problem in that case, perhaps with the
configuration of your screenmodes (either in P96Mode or the screenmode
you have selected in Blitz - in which case deleting the env: and l: files
should give you a screen like your workbench), since I use P96 on WinUAE
and also on my Mediator.

Although I suppose it could be different since you have a CV64/3D though?

> That's odd, cos I use Blitz under WinUAE with P96. The only problem is the
> slowdown in the debugger, which is apparently related to whatever gfx card
> you use...

Did you download that patched debugger I put somewhere? Or did I ever get
round to uploading it?

|) /\ \/ ][ |) |\/| c |\/| ][ |\| |\| | | ICQ=16827694
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